Survey Report: Taking the Pulse of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing | Sikich

A survey among 150 manufacturing executives reveals optimism and insights into an industry ready to move forward with enterprise-level digital transformation and AI projects.


Download this report to learn:

- The top 3 technologies respondents are investing in
- Participants’ main reason for considering an ERP investment
- Top benefit organizations hope to achieve with tech investments
- The main area of AI interest in manufacturing

This report was created in partnership with:

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Does your strategy stack up?

A recent survey by ManufacturingDive and Sikich explored how industrial manufacturers are using enterprise technology to bolster their operations. This survey report discusses the findings, including priorities for enterprise technology implementation, how organizations make decisions about enterprise technology implementation, top challenges they expect will impact their business during the next few years, and whether they’re currently exploring and/or investing in enterprise software. Complete the form above to access this report now.

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Survey Report Snapshot

The Institute for Supply Management’s Purchasing Managers’ Index showing a market that is stabilizing after several disruptive years. Companies are shifting operations toward new centers of production even as global conflict and extreme weather events are impacting the flow of raw materials.

Managing risk and staying resilient is critical in this environment. Enterprise software solutions, when properly implemented, can help manufacturers protect their business and gain a competitive advantage.

Survey Report Preview Video